Financial wellbeing : Taking care ogf your financial wellness in 2022
Money cannot buy you all the happiness in the world", said a man who probably had a lot of money. The problem really is not having any of it. When one doesn't have enough money, it becomes the source of a lot of pain, frustration and anger. All our problems seem to revolve around not having enough of it. Once an individual becomes financially independent, all their decisions are not solely based on money. Being financially well means you have your finances in order and the mental and physical stress you feel from monetary issues are minimal. Becoming financially well isn't an overnight thing you can achieve but you can slowly build your finances towards independence. There are concepts like Time value of money, Inflation rate, compound interest that can make it or break it for you. Here are some important steps that you can take to feel financially stress free: Creating an Emergency Fund This is a Pension fund that is to be used only under dire circumstances. This fund i...